We have a new addition to our family. Two weeks ago my Husband got me a Black and Tan Miniature Dachshund puppy. Her name is Zoey and boy is she a lot of fun and work..LOL..She's brought a lot of love to my life and has taken the winter depression out of me. I also am feeling much better so soon I will again be crafting,cooking and baking to add to my blog again. Winter has been long and hard. My health took a turn in February. A lot of personal upsets that turned to extreme anger took it's toll on my health and I had a Stroke on Feb.16th. It scared me to death and now I'm on my way to making a new life for ME..so a diet started in August and so far I have lost 37 lbs. and still losing. I have my up and downs with the diet I still have major cravings and wants for gummy candies and boy it's hard not to want the Easter Candy right now it's my favorite candy of the year..LOL but so far all I have gotten out of the Easter candy cravings is a handful of sweet and sour jelly beans..LOL..So watch out in a few days I'll be posting my new cards and also cookies and goodies that are all gluten and sugar free..
Impression Obsession: Halloween
1 year ago